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    Martignoni Elettrotecnica S.r.l.

    Corso Italia, 8


    +39 0331 658966

    “Bare roll” style treater for treating conductive and non conductive substrates. This platform of treaters is ideal for high speed converting applications and has been developed to address the challenges of the converting industry. Increasing line speeds, combined with innovations in inks, and sophistications in substrates, has driven new innovations in treater designs that allows Martignoni to meet these challenges directly. An innovative treatment systems for plastic and metalized films for installations on printing presses flexo, rotogravure and laminating machines. The system offers optimum results in terms of bonding strength on flexible materials in excess of speeds up to 600 m/min). The electrode design incorporating 9 ceramic tubes for improved corona dwell time and homogeneous, high definition treatment. This compact design allows more corona power to be delivered to the web while using less physical space.

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